Features To Look For In Fire Attenuation Screens

With bushfires growing more common in Australia, it’s no surprise that homeowners are seeking for measures to protect their homes in the event of a fire. We simply needed to look at the destruction in 2019 and 2020 to see how rapidly things may shift. Homeowners in Australia are increasingly concerned about fire safety.

Many individuals don’t realize that fire isn’t the only thing that can cause problems. Embers can fly hundreds of kilometers from a fire front and start their own fire, and radiant heat can also be a source of ignition. Then there’s the falling debris, such as tree limbs that have been injured, which can be seen for weeks after the fire.

When we think about home security screens, we usually think of protection from the elements and break-ins. We may consider things like shower screens but often neglectfireproofing. While this is acceptable if you live in a cold climate state where bushfires are uncommon, it is not acceptable if you reside in a dry climate state like Queensland, where bushfires are a regular occurrence.Fire attenuation screens can help!

 What Are Fire Attenuation Screens Meant For?

Simply described, fire attenuation is the process of reducing radiant heat and flame spread. It isn’t the same as bushfire protection, but it will give your property some safety. Some people mix up fire attenuation screens and fire ratings, although they’re not the same thing. Fire attenuation screens function more like fire barriers, which is more advantageous because they are better at preventing the spread of fires and embers/sarks/logs from one location to the next, as well as preventing water drenching systems from being activated, saving the homeowner time and money on replacing water-damaged furniture and fittings.

 Features to Look out for

When buying a fire attenuation screen, consider these factors:


It must comply with the Australian Building Code. This is the most important aspect to check for when purchasing displays. The code recognizes the dangers of fire spreading between houses that are too close together. Products that do not fulfil the requirements should be avoided because they are most likely of poor quality and hence will not protect against fire.

Security and durability

The screen must be difficult to break so that burglars or criminals cannot gain access to the home or structure. If at all feasible, go for ones that have fly-screening features so you can be sure even a fly won’t get in and you can kill two birds with one stone.

No compromise on energy efficiency

The screens should prevent air conditioning from escaping the home and decrease heat entry for effective cooling.

No rusting

Screens must be made of stainless steel, the same grade of stainless steel used in kitchen sinks and shower screens in melbourne. They must have a corrosion-resistant powder coating.

You may need to escape swiftly through a window screen in the event of an inside fire or other emergency. Therefore, when you are investing in fire attenuation screen, make sure you consider all these features.